Packet tracer configs

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Since PC1 is in the network connected to the other interface of the Router, you need to assign an address from IP block After clicking on PC0, click on IP Configuration in the panel that opens, and assign the IP address To assign static IP addresses to PCs on the network, you must use the IP Configuration interface on the Desktop tab. Router(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/2 Router(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/1 Then, execute the commands below in the CLI command prompt to assign IP addresses to the router’s interfaces and activate the ports. Likewise, wire the Switches and PCs connected to the other GigabitEthernet interface of the Router as in the image below.

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Since the network connection between the Switch and the Router must be fast, connect one end of the cable to the GigabitEthernet 0/1 interface of the Switch and the other end to the GigabitEthernet 0/1 interface of the Router.

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